Rolling out grid view for desktop search

Over the past 90 days we’ve been testing a new design for the vehicle card and alternative layouts for search results on desktop. Following this quantitative testing, and subsequent tweaks, we’re confident that the grid view is favoured by consumers and is delivering on package & PPC performance, so we're in a position to roll it out to 100% of our desktop audience.


Auto Trader are advancing the search experience to meet the evolving needs of consumers in an increasingly complex marketplace.

  • Principles of the changes include greater consistency, accessibility and conversion.

  • Changes are data driven and rigorously tested to prove effectiveness before being scaled to include our whole audience.

  • The aim is to deliver a slicker experience helping the consumer find what they are looking for faster.

What’s included in the latest changes?

Vehicle cards - Redesigning the vehicle card for desktop brings it closer to what exists today across app and mobile web, creating a more consistent search experience for users.

Grid view – The new vehicle card lends itself to a grid view layout on desktop. This makes it easier for consumers to view more options within a single window.

Carousel images – The vehicle card also allows the consumer to view up to 4 larger images within the search view, allowing them to find the right vehicle faster.

Infinite scroll – Search results on desktop now feature infinite scroll, without pagination on the results, this is consistent with what exists across app and mobile web.

How have we tested the latest changes?

We started by spending time with consumers to understand more about their preferences when it came to viewing search listings on desktop. We used eye-tracking software to understand the most important elements of the current search card, using this insight to create a new search card and subsequently a grid view layout. We could then test them side by side, interviewing consumers to understand their preferences and continue to iterate. 

User testing gave us confidence that consumers find it easier to consume information in a grid view when searching for a vehicle.  

Once we were satisfied with qualitative consumer testing results, we started to test the changes in a controlled fashion with our live audience. This test started with 1% of our desktop audience and scaled to 10% over a two-month period. Following this quantitative testing, and subsequent tweaks, we’re confident that the grid view is performing well and are in a position to roll it out to 100% of our desktop audience. 

We’ll keep you updated on changes we’ve implemented in this blog. Please check back if you’d like to know more about changes we’re making in the coming months.  


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