5 top tips for successfully working from home, from our HR experts

We're all adjusting to working from home, many of us for the first time. It can be a daunting experience to go from working in a busy, fast paced environment, to sitting at home in front of your PC. In collaboration with our HR colleagues here at Auto Trader, we've collated what we think are the five best tips to successfully work from home.

Tip 1: Get organised

Don't underestimate the importance of organising your surrounding environment. Having a dedicated work environment will help keep clear space between your work time and chill time to make it easier to 'switch off'. Whether it's a separate room, a fully stocked desk, or just a clean part of your kitchen table, this can help tell your brain you're in the place where you do work productively and without distraction.

Tip 2: Start (and end) the day right

When you work in a dealership or an office, the daily routine of getting ready and commuting helps your brain get ready for the day. Keeping a morning routine is essential – working in your pyjamas won't be good for your productivity so make a conscious effort to get ready for the day and this will help you step into work mode. When you're working remotely, you can create 'start the day' triggers that enable you to become ready for work in a similar way, such as getting up at a regular time, having a shower, exercising or making a hot drink.

Equally, make sure you allow time to switch off from work at the end of the day – perhaps use your normal commuting time to unwind - try some mindful colouring, spend 30 minutes reading a book or take the dog for a walk.​

Tip 3: Structure your day

A simple to-do list can do wonders for keeping you organised, motivated and productive as you work from home. Checking off goals lets you know you're making progress, which gives you positive reinforcement throughout your day and work feels much more doable when it's not all one giant task.

Whilst structuring your day, remember to schedule meetings, allocate a lunchtime and allow time for yourself to step away from your workspace for a tea break, just like you would in the office.

Tip 4: Stay connected

Working from home might seem like a solo experience, but there are many tools available to help you stay connected to colleagues. Whether you use tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts, Zoom, email or even whatsapp groups – choose one that works for you and your business.

The majority of meetings can still be effective via a conference call. Talking face to face can also help collaboration, so try to use the video-call option as much as possible and remember you can share your screen with others when your chatting.

Tip 5: Look after your own and others wellbeing

Make sure you check in with how you’re feeling regularly. Social media and internet resources can have a huge impact on your mental health so consider limiting the amount of time you spend reading or watching sources which aren't making you feel better. You might also consider putting WhatsApp groups on mute and hiding Facebook feeds that are overwhelming to you.

It's good to stay informed, but perhaps decide on a specific time to check in with the news and we'd recommend sticking to trusted sources of information such as government and NHS websites.

We probably all do a lot more steps than we realise as part of our commute and general walking around the office, so try and supplement your day with a walk where possible, ideally in the fresh air. Don’t forget to stay hydrated. And make time for a nutritious lunch so that you continue to eat well.


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