Supporting your business 

At the end of a week unlike any before, I want you to know that Auto Trader is committed to supporting the automotive industry through these difficult times. As I shared with you last week, we have extended payment terms for March advertising and guaranteed that we will not be charging for your April adverts. We continue to closely monitor the situation and will take further action if it looks necessary.

With so much uncertainty, we are keen to share as much information as possible to help you make sense of how things are unfolding. We’ve started running webinars to address the concerns that many dealers have. You can watch this week’s webinar here. We’ll update you on when they are happening on LinkedIn and Twitter, next weeks’ will be on Wednesday at 10am. We have also been sharing audience updates through these channels. Since the announcement for people to stay at home and car showrooms to shut, more than 2.5 million users have visited Auto Trader.

Over the past few months our data team have been building a tool that will enable you to see the latest market data in real time.  I’ve asked them to launch this earlier than planned so you can start to get valuable insights into what’s going on in your local area.

This Market Insight tool will be in Portal from Monday. It provides unique insights into the demand and supply of vehicles along with pricing trends in your local market. It’s included in your package. I hope you will find it useful to support your decision making; and when the market picks up that it will help put you on the front foot.

Our teams continue to be available on the phone and are entirely focused on doing what we can to help. As this situation evolves, we’ll continue to do the right thing for your business and for ours. We’ll get through this together. 

Best Wishes, 

Nathan Coe (CEO) 


An audience update from our Data & Insight Director, Richard Walker


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